(Written in 2020 on GG)

As you might be able to tell from my game collection, I'm not exactly a fan of realism. Sports games and war games I tend to heavily avoid because to me it feels like the most cash-grabby section of the video game market, coming out with a new game every year with what (as far as I can tell) are slight tweaks to the previous game. Despite this, there's always something about Call of Duty's Modern Warfare series that just clicks with me.

Maybe it's because I've always had friends who willingly buy every CoD game. Back in high school my friend Justus talked me into getting Modern Warfare 2 and we'd play that game for months. It could be that these fond memories attach me to the series. Then I switched from Xbox 360 to Playstation 4 and he switched from Xbox 360 to Xbox One to PC, and our gaming drifted apart just as the Modern Warfare series came to an end. Now CoD has cross-platform online capabilities and we can reconvene on one shared game, aside from Fortnite but I never really found that game fun.

This new Modern Warfare brings back the fun multiplayer of the series, starts a new campaign with a compelling plot and character depth that will probably lead to a second version of the trilogy, and adds a battle royale mode that is honestly the first of its kind that I'm actually vibing with. I'm already back to riot shield and shotgun shenanigans. Sadly it seems more people have jumped on my trend, and others have figured out my weaknesses. Curse that thermite grenade.

Even though I'm giving it a lot of praise, It's still a war game and I know my interest will be fleeting. As soon as my friends lose interest in it, I will as well and I won't think about it again until the next Modern Warfare game in the Call of Duty franchise releases.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2023
