If you don’t like OutRun, you are, and I don’t put this lightly, a cop.

An absolute gem of an arcade game that is built directly on ~vibes~. Not a racing game, and not even really a time trial game, OutRun is a road trip. Each zone you journey through is beautifully crafted, with some of my favorite pixel art in any game. The choose your own route is an incredible bit of design that encourages experimentation and really contributes to the road trip feel. And driving through each route is as difficult as it is fun. While memorizing the route layout is helpful, the unpredictability of the traffic keeps the gameplay fresh every run.

And cmon, the soundtrack. Several of the best tracks in the history of games. “Passing Breeze” is my favorite of the original tracks, but nothing will beat “Camino a Mi Amor.” However, there isn’t a bad track in the bunch, and the hardest part of the game is choosing which song I want to listen to as I drive throughout Europe in my knockoff Ferrari.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2023
