This game saddens me so much. What an absolutely fantastic game, it's so close to perfection, to being the best in the franchise and an absolutely killer ending to the trilogy. But there are some mishaps that keep it from that position.

Firstly, the batmobile. This thing is SO FUN to roam around the city in, the buildings are so destructible and it's just downright cool. But by god there are an extremely large amount of forced in tank battles just to get an excuse to use the batmobile. It would be so much better if they limited them to only the side missions maybe, or just atleast lower the number of battles in the main story. I mean this really cool boss battle you're looking forward to (several of them in fact) are thrown away with big tank boss battles...

That's honestly only the major complaint, the other minor one is a story complaint but it's just passable. I didn't mind it as much as other did. Not going to list here to keep it spoiler free but it's just a character (you'll know who when you play) felt a bit rushed and just added on last minute cuz you hear about all these things that happened that you are only told about in this game.

This is still one of the best games ever made. All this stuff is just comparing it to the other games in the franchise which hold up extremely well. Comparing this to normal games, it is very very high. I keep thinking, where can they take the combat next? and they just keep finding new stuff to add to make it smoother. More interesting enemy types, more gadgets that make cooler stealth scenarios, and these new fear multi takedowns and gadgets while gliding just make the gameplay the best in the franchise easily.

The map is drop dead gorgeous, considering this is a 2015 game running on unreal engine 3, it's graphics still surpass 99 percent of all games to this date. The city is beautiful and packed with minute easter eggs and traversal is a blast whether be it gliding or with the batmobile with new features there too that make you just zip around the place faster than ever before.

Despite some expectations not being met, this is a must play game. An amazing masterpiece

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2022
