Surprisingly enjoyable experience, and this is coming from someone who normally hates beat-em-ups.

They do a lot of cool things to make you feel like you're playing as The Flash, its a shame you probably couldn't have a game like this come out nowadays. The general audience for superhero games barely even want games that aren't Batman or Spider-Man, if a new Flash game came out and it wasn't an open world cinematic third person game it'd get shit on for "looking like a mobile game".

But I digress. Despite only having two buttons for combat, and only one real combo (pressing A four times), I didn't get tired of the combat. I think my problem with most beat-em-ups is actually partially because of the comboes. Your B button acts as a "dash to" button thats great for opening up on an enemy or dodging an enemy's attack by zipping to another enemy. Your R is a slow-down effect thats pretty cool, and L tags in another member of the JL. They all basically do the same thing, which is a screen wipe.

The story was exactly what you'd expect from a GBA superhero game, but to be honest, I was actually very impressed with the short bits of cutscene we got. It was reminiscent of a comic book, and featured wholly unique designs for the characters. Brainiac's design especially was unique, and I loved Grodd's design a lot. The boss fights themselves were pretty fun for the most part, with the exception of Circe, who kinda just keeps throwing the same long attack at you that you dodge the exact same way and it feels super long and boring.

Overall I was very surprised, I thought I was gonna play the first level or two to see what was up with this game and then drop it, but it was so enjoyable I actually ended up finishing it. I dare even say its a hidden gem on the GBA! I recommend people to give it a try, especially if you're into superheroes or beat-em-ups.

At this rate, this will probably always be the best Flash game of all time!

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2024
