I just don't think I understand the logic of making a Splatoon clone and not using the aspect of Splatoon that makes it fun. Splatoon's gameplay is revolutionary for a shooter, as it prioritizes covering ground over actually killing your enemies or capturing a flag or what have you. To make a game that at its core is "I Can't Believe It's Not Splatoon" and then making none of the game modes be related to covering the ground with foam is frankly flabbergasting. It doesn't help that the modes we did get range from okay to really unfun. The "main" mode, Smash the Star, is really lame.

Splatoon's entire gameplay loop works because the weapons/movement/gameplay feed into the match goal, to cover ground. Nothing about the foam actually feeds into the core gameplay of any of the modes. You have no real reason to foam the ground other than the fact that you move faster on it and your enemies move slower on it. There are some decent to okay ideas in here, I think a hero shooter with Splatoon's mechanics is a good idea on paper, the problem is its executed clumsily here. The abilities lead to where half the time I have no idea what's going on and the character designs are insanely hit or miss. Splatoon has a very strong sense of art direction and this just feels much more safe and generic. The idea of the "ink" (or foam in this case) being able to pile up and create unique geometry is actually pretty cool, unfortunately again, it is cool on paper. Here it feels like it takes so long to pile the foam up and it makes it awkward and clumsy to try to get rid of enemy piles. Furthermore, the foam itself travels so slowly and it definitely feels worse than shooting ink in Splatoon.

It really is like they set out to make "Splatoon but on PlayStation" and then misinterpreted at every turn the core of what makes Splatoon the fun, sudden success that it is. What we're left with is a confused mess of ideas that don't really mesh together or provide an experience that is that fun or engaging. I didn't even mention the insane pricing on the cosmetics but I don't think I have to, because truthfully I don't even think it is a fun enough game to warrant playing for free in the first place. If you own a PS5 and you REALLY want to play Splatoon, just save up and get a Switch.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2024
