Another good shooter from the crazy people at New Blood, but I think may be my least favorite of their shooters. The weapons are all incredibly creative and unique, but I think suffer from a lack of pure punch that the guns in Dusk or Ultrakill have. Certain weapons also lose their usefulness towards the end of episodes when the more powerful stuff is obtained, which is a balance that the other NB shooters nail far better. Enemy design is kinda forgettable without much variety in how they actually behave, even if they all look cool and I appreciate the extra detail of making them unique for each episode.

The game looks gorgeous and I love its blend of colorful modern game engine lighting mixed with rough gritty pixel detail, but those extreme colors in a few areas and their enemies tend to accidentally blend into the background because of how busy the game can look in motion. It plays well enough despite the flaws and I'm excited to see how the upcoming expansion ends up.

Reviewed on Nov 30, 2021
