Beyond Light feels like a turning point for Destiny once again, now in regards to storytelling because this feels like the first time that Bungie has truly cared about trying to make the enemy factions we've known for years more fleshed out and multilayered. The Fallen, now more regularly referred to as the Eliksni, has far more depth to them and is shown directly to the player in-game the different factions within them and their reasoning for going after humanity and the Traveler. Eramis is a cool villain because you can empathize with her situation and history, and also casts doubt on how much the Traveler can really be trusted. Cool stuff!

Beyond Light is also incredibly tedious with one of the single worst endgame grinds that Destiny has ever had. Europa is a gorgeous location (as usual for Bungie's art team striking gold), but it's also one of the most obnoxious to actually travel through because it's 95% empty space that you will just be boosting through on your vehicle. The fast travel locations are purposefully sparse and it feels like it was just done to waste your time and literally nothing else. But the Stasis grind? Genuine disbelief that Bungie has not gone back and changed any part of it even long into Witch Queen's current run. It's a grind so atrocious that I have caught up with Witch Queen and every season at this point in time in the span of several weeks, and I still have barely made a dent in Stasis progression because it's gated behind weekly quests that are insanely obnoxious and force you to play the game in very specific ways that just are not fun period.

Could have been better with more density and less filler.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2022
