Has some quaint charm to it for being the entry that started it all, but just feels incredibly barebones to play nowadays. There's not enough depth to the combat outside of bosses when the solution is auto-attack for 95% of the game and rolling your eyes on the rare instance when an enemy gets some random lucky roll for an attack that instant kills one of your party members. I'm not even really sure how much replay value there truly is with the starting classes when you're still likely going to end up just using auto-attack for most of the game regardless of what characters you have.

It's fine. Super fans or those who are morbidly curious about the franchise's beginnings might get a kick out of this. It probably shouldn't be your first Final Fantasy game.

(Also for those playing on PC: unless Square actually keeps their word and updates the PC versions to match the recent console release's new features, install the Memoria mod for a fast-forward button and a toggle for random encounters, and go find a mod that replaces the stock font with something better like this pixel font from the PS1 ports. Ridiculous that Square continues to treat certain platforms this lazily and leaving it to the community to solve their issues, but at least you can fix them)

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2023
