Wait till it's patched. By then it'll be worth it's asking price. Extras like the master book, screenplays for all games and the different versions are great for Mgs fans even though it may be crap that you have to download the different versions and a lot of stuff isn't on the disc at all/cartridge even worse. Comparison to how these games were ported on PS3. Those titles on PS3 in terms of their polish and port quality is a 5/5 compared to this. This is the first time I've noticed actual bugs and blemishes on any port apprently the hd collection had a small number but none ever detrimental or negatively affecting unlike this. Mgs1 is bilinear filtering upsampled so it actually looks blurryier than how you remember it. And it also has audio cracking:(. Mgs2 alert phases bugged a lot for me and mgs3 rain got messed up are the highlights for me. It's playable if not the most inferior way to play these games right now as of launch release date

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2023
