Very much peak racing. With its problems I agree with it probably has the least for me personally for how many things it gets right. 700+ cars for a ps2 and over 50 tracks gives it a large replay value. The selection of cars are varied and a fair few come cheap through the returning used car sales. Probably got the best legendary cars with like 1 HP mobiles and stuff. The music is delightful and the presentation is mind blowing for a ps2. While the game is a bit slower to load the gt3. It's a lot faster than its sequels and it's impressive for the system and now. A great starting point for anyone wanting to race although the physics go for a more much Sim feel. Like a massive leap forward where I almost recommend a wheel is necessary. But man it's just a good time sink. Probably peak of the series even tho you still can't paint ya car lmao. This game is great and I'm having a good ass Time with this series. Also they added town of people and crows and they even have pit animations:)

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2022
