The great and the not so great

AC3 is one of my favorites of the franchise. It’s a sequel to the Ezio Trilogy taking place after Revelations. This follows the end of Desmond’s story arch in the modern-day story and follows Connor Kenway a half British, half Native American assassin in colonial USA during the American revolution in the past story. This is a remastered bundle of the game with all DLC and a small spin off game, AC liberation.

Gameplay: Gameplay wise it’s a huge step up from the previous games, The combat is actually very bad**s and actiony once you get the hang of it. Connor has a new knife hidden blade and a large array of different weapons to choose from, from muskets, clubs, swords, Axes to even a Tomahawk. This games map is similar to the set-up from AC2 where you fast travel to different large maps of Colonial Boston, New York and even a large set of land across a few states called the new frontier. There is a main hub area called the homestead that you travel to and can complete optional side story content to progress the homestead into a town. There is a new feature of naval combat missions where you drive a ship and blow-up forts, explore islands and side stories and meet new characters. This was a lot of fun but is a bit clunky compared to Black flag (AC4). Gameplay/ combat wise, this game was a lot of fun, A few complaints I have is this version of AC3 is a glitchy mess. I got a game breaking crashing glitch in the first few hours of gameplay where either the game wouldn't progress or it would crash, absolutely annoying and definitely needs a patch asap! There are times in the story when the gameplay will glitch and people will disappear, or characters will bug out. The whole trading mission system to get very specific materials kinda sucks and is annoying to complete. The send your assassins on missions’ mini game that exists in this game also isn't as good as brotherhoods. This game has also been said to (just like the Ezio collection) look worse than the original but since I haven't played it in many years, I didn't super notice it like I did with AC2. There's also a bunch of modern-day side mission you can go on in this game which personally I found really fun and different, and it makes me want a more modern-day AC game than Watch Dogs. My favorite addition in this remaster is the ability to change all weapons in the weapon wheel Menu so you actually never have to visit a store to equip weapons in the game except to buy stuff.

Voice Acting, Music and Graphics: The voice acting like in previous games is very good, Native character apparently are actually speaking a real tribe language which is really cool and the main cast is very strong. I've seen a lot of complaints about Connor not being as good as Ezio and though this may be true in his swav, flamboyant, ladies’ man persona that is Ezio; Connor is a more serious man with a path of vengeance and justice and honestly, I'm ok with it, I like the change of character. Just don't expect him to be anything like Ezio because Conner is very different. The music is as always fantastic in this game and holds true to the other games. Graphically I think this game looks fine if you never played the original 3, you'd think it looks great for the time period it came out in.

Story/Minor spoilers: This game has a great story that really speaks about the USAs founding fathers and after taking many history classes on the Revolution really makes me question how great they actually were. The first few hours of story you play as a different character, Connor’s father Haytham Kenway, which had a really cool twist to it I did not expect. A downside to this game is that it takes wayyyyyy too long to start up. Like it takes 6 hours to reach the point where you are an adult real assassin with full gear. They also deleted Connors Epilogue at the end of the game for some super dumb reason. In part of the story, you get to visit and explore the Freemason underground tunnels under the cities which was awesome but they are hardly used in the story and other than to complete them you have no reason to ever actually use them, they are supposed to be a fast way of sneaking around but I mean no one would ever use those since you can just fast travel everywhere. The very big dlc, 'the tyranny of George Washington' is like an alternate universe dlc but its super hard and honestly bored me. I got frustrated with it and didn't finish it which is something I almost never ever do especially when reviewing. Overall, I wanna say the original 360 game was better and that might be more worth it to buy and play but this one is probably a better option if you want all DLC and a better version of Liberation that’s much better than the 360 version, so I guess I can recommend this remaster for those reasons. 7.5/10

Assassins Creed Liberation:
This Remaster also included a spin off that was ported from a handheld to console along with a bunch of pre-game trailers and documentaries on the making of these games which is cool. Now I won’t be as hash as I want to be on this game but Liberation kinda sucks. Gameplay wise it plays like 3 for the most part and follows a very forgettable story and cast of characters. Aveline is an assassin in colonial New Orleans, and you follow her story. There honestly isn't much to say about this game so I'm not going to give this game a full review like I usually do, let’s be honest you are here for AC3 not this game. This game has a new feature of changing personas (like she's batman or something) where she goes into changing rooms and can switch between her dressy civilian outfit, slave outfit, and Assassin outfit. Aside for when I'm prompted to, I hardly used this system at all, it just makes sense to use the assassin one most of the time because it’s the best one. This game had a bunch of weird collectibles and unlockables I didn't understand and the money system in this game is super unbalanced. There is a naval trading system in this game, and I think you are expected to get money and stuff you need from that, but I just didn't get it and found it boring, the maps in this game suck too, especially the Bayou map and the story is crazy predictable with a predictable twist. There is no modern-day story, but you see different versions of cutscenes cuz this game plays into the Black Flag idea Ubstergo is selling these stories as video games... anyways yeah so there's that. There highlight of this game is that this remaster included a DLC mission that was originally exclusive to PS3 that has a Connor Kenway AI Co-op partner Follow you around for the mission. Which doesn't happen until almost the very end of the game and wasn't super worth it. This game also glitched out on me a lot and crashed a bunch as well.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2023
