A game made for DC fans and Fans of the Animated Batman Series!

Batman: Arkham Asylum is an open world action-adventure game set deep in the heart of the Animated Series and DC Comic book universe with an original story about all of Arkham’s residence taking revenge on Batman for being thrown in Arkham time and time again.

Gameplay: This is a 3rd person open world Beat ‘em up Action-Adventure game with some minor horror elements mixed in, taking place in and on the grounds of Arkham Asylum. Combat works in different ways with a combo based, beat ’em up fighting style where you can strike combos and keep them going from enemy to enemy to get a higher rank and XP to unlock things. There is also a big stealth mechanic side to the gameplay where you use gadgets, an Xray (Assassins Creed style Eagle Vision) mode that allows you to see enemies’ weapons and important things in the environment. Batman unlocks a wide variety of satisfying gadgets to help him find collectibles and hidden areas along with fighting enemies and progress the story. Overall, all of the combat is pretty fun and satisfying but it can get a bit clunky and break when there are too many enemies on screen at once. There are bonus missions outside of the main story that have challenges in them giving the player a bunch to do with things like endless wave enemy modes and stealth missions all of which are fun to play. This game also has difficulty modes too so even after you beat the game and get all of the collectibles you can still replay the story on higher difficulties. All of the collectibles add to the story and lore too with a profile for his entire rogue’s gallery being unlockable and a vast majority of the collectibles being Riddles or Riddler trophies the Riddler has hidden across the map. This version of the game has a few glitches I ran into specifically in the Killer Croc section of the game in the sewers where killer Croc would get stuck or some miss me in spots where I should have died, a few objects were floating in this section too but aside from that this remaster played smooth as hell.

Graphics, Voice Acting& Music: The graphics are much improved on this version and looked great for the time they came out with a very accurate comic book gothic atmosphere and A LOT of lore and Easter eggs hidden everywhere making exploration very fun and satisfying. I've seen some debate on whether this game looks better or worse than the original and personally I think it mostly looks better but some cutscenes and spots on models look a little funny but overall I like this version and think its suitable to play. The voice acting is all top-notch incredible performances from the cast of the animated show seeing one of the best voices of Batman, Kevin Conroy and the amazing Mark Hamil as Joker, this has to be one of my favorite comic book video game franchises I have ever played next to the Spiderman games. The music and environmental OST are pretty well done as well making the ambiance of each area and the Dark Knight come to life.

Story/ Minor Spoilers: Basically, the story is about Batman some years into his career after meeting everyone and having his robins. Batman is returning Joker to Arkham after escaping, once back at Arkham things go wrong and the inmates take over the grounds and its up to Batman to figure out what’s going on and stop everyone. I’ll leave the rest of the story for you to figure out but overall, it’s a good story with great characters that feel like they were pulled directly from their source material and though this games story is more or less original its still put together very well with excellent gameplay. Id recommend this to anyone who is a batman fan, DC fan, or fan of Beat em’ up/ stealth games, this is an all around great experience to be had! 9/10

Reviewed on May 26, 2023
