Took all the lessons learned from the Uncharted series and finally created an Indiana Jones-esque game that gets it right. There are way less shooting galleries with way less bullet sponge enemies to mow down at a time--and unlike the Uncharted franchise the combat is actually fun and allows you to be creative. There is a bigger emphasis on exploring and solving puzzles which was much appreciated. There are also plenty of big cinematic set pieces as you would expect from a game like this. What I think really puts the game on another level compared to Uncharted is a progression system which allows you to tailor Lara's abilities to match your playstyle. This one element adds a depth to the combat that you just don't find in any of the Uncharted games. Lastly Tomb Raiders story puts Uncharted to shame-- Actual character development... WHAT!?!?

PS. At first it may seem unfair to compare this game to the Uncharted series but honestly uncharted 3 came out only 2 years before this game so it's really not as big of a disparity as you'd initially think.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2023
