First wolfenstein game and damn, it's good

The negative points I read on steam, most of them talk about the port to pc, that crashes a lot, it won't work on AMD stuff, but I didn't have any issues with performance. The only thing I'd say I don't like about this game is looting. I think it would be more immersive if I didn't have to run around looking to the ground looking for some 20+ medkit.

To me, this game has a bunch of positive stuff. Shooting is great, I'm in love with its story, MAX HASS, the stupid humor even to log out of the game, the replayability because of 2 timelines, and the collectibles...

I'm not much of a 100% guy, cause in some games, I feel like It's more of a "it was made to be hard and time spender" than a "it was made to be challenging and fun". But, in wolfenstein, I felt pleasure collecting stuff.

I felt rewarded with the records, gold things, enigma codes, letters, etc. The records had stories about the past of the game or songs. The gold things had nazi references in it. Enigma codes, when you get all of them, you unlock new stuff. Also, some of it, make you explore parts of the map you would never get to know if you weren't searching for it. In short: not a far cry.

I can see why some people think It's more of the same, a generic shooter, but I liked this one so much, It's pretty good.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024
