With Resident Evil 7's big claim to fame being bringing old-school survival horror game design back into the mainstream AAA sphere, turning Not A Hero into an action-packed first-person shooter was a bizarre move on the part of outsourced developer HexaDrive. A bizarre move that actually kind of works, as Not A Hero does remain fairly fun throughout its short runtime. Giving the weapons more power is supplemented by a new enemy type which is only vulnerable to a specific type of ammo. You'd think this would add strategy to combat encounters but this new enemy is rather rare so the mechanic doesn't come up as much as I'd like. The DLC manages to be fairly tense at points, in a different manner from the base game, though a pervasive sense of "Is that all?" flows through it. It's not standout in any way, playing fine enough, looking great but primarily reusing environments from the base game, and being scored fine enough. I do like how it follows up on the dropped Lucas Baker thread, giving us a satisfying conclusion to that plotline while also expanding a bit on his connections to The Connections. Chris Redfield does look pretty weird in this one, I can see him being an older version of the Chris from RE1R, but definitely not the same Chris from RE5/6. It's not a bad design inherently it just looks weird in comparison to prior games. Ultimately a decent DLC pack that's worth it for fans of the base game, especially at the extremely high price point of free.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023
