Banned Footage Vol. 2 is the second part of Capcom's post-launch support for Resident Evil 7, and I'll admit to it being a fairly significant improvement over Vol. 1, which I wasn't a massive fan of. 21 is easily the best part of the DLC, with it keeping the oppressive, Texas Chain Saw Massacre-esque atmosphere of the base game and giving us more of Lucas, who was one of the game's best antagonists. The actual card game is fairly fun, though it is unfair by design, so it's especially rewarding when you use the game's own rules against Lucas and beat him at his own game. Daughters is a walking simulator (and I don't mean that pejoratively) that fills in the blankets as to how Eveline got ahold of the Baker family. It's short and fairly unexciting, but it is nice to have additional gaps filled into the story, and I like how the Bakers changing from their old selves into demented monsters happens near-instantly, showing the true terror of Eveline's powers if she were used as a weapon. Jack's Birthday Party is a lot of fun as well, consisting of a goofy arcade mode with a charming 1920s aesthetic where you search a handful of levels for food to feed Jack. I actually had a lot of fun with JBP's aesthetic and gameplay, but unfortunately, I find since half of the levels are just harder versions of the other half, it doesn't have the staying power I'd like to see. BFV2 is certainly an improvement over BFV1, and I find it easier to recommend this one at its chosen price point.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023
