As someone who generally isn't into Strategy games, Nobunaga's Ambition: Awakening was a pleasant surprise and a game that I won't be forgetting anytime soon (and possibly my GOTY?? What??).

This is a game that is EXTREMELY hard to review for a few reasons, main ones being my inexperience with the genre and how expansive the game really is.

When you start a new game you're prompted with a few time periods and you have to chose which Clan you wish to start as in each one. This already by itself is extremely overwhelming, the sheer amount of options is daunting and for the most part you wouldn't know which one you'd like to start.

While the game recommends you to start with post Okehazama Nobunaga, I decided to start from the very beginning of his journey. The early game being extremely difficult due to constant invasions by neighboring clans and especially those of the Imagawa.
However with pure determination and understanding of history I held on until I managed to reach Okehazama. And I could not overexaggerate the sheer Hype and Excitement of that entire sequence playing out, constantly being on the edge of my seat as I fought for my life.

That being said, you don't have to only play by History! In fact your playthrough more than likely will deviate very heavily from it. But that's not a bad thing either, the game sometimes rewarding you for going your own route with hypothetical scenarios or your choices to not play by history resulting in a way more optimal path for unification (if you know what you're doing that is).

All of this is of course enhanced by the amazing art, visuals and soundtrack which perfectly suits every situation you're in, just every little thing comes together to provide a magnificent experience even during your most dire situations.

This game is nothing short of phenomenal and I urge anyone to give it a try, once you get over the initial learning curve, you're in for something great.

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2023
