Trying to get through some smaller games on the backlog and so I started off with Haven. I had heard decent things about this one, particularly the writing and I would have to agree that the script is the strongest part. Kay and Yu have great banter and there's a great attention to detail as you progress through the game. The performances are also solid and the OST was great. Honestly, my favorite part was just roaming around listening to the music.

The rest of the gameplay is rather clunky. I think some ideas are neat in theory, but it sometimes feels like padding. Combat feels like this especially. I'm not a huge fan that you don't get full heals when you sleep. There are some other tedious rules that the game puts in place and it makes for a rather shaky experience.

This next part isn't necessarily the game's fault, but moreso the hardware. I know the Switch will always have drawbacks, but I had a few crashes, one of them at the climax of the game, which soured the experience overall. Not to mention the audio mixing is beyond inconsistent at points. There are some takes that they kept where actors are clearing peaking on their mics and it's beyond distracting.

Those problems aside, I still enjoyed the game for what it was. I think if this was longer, I would have found myself much more annoyed. My suggestion would be to play this on platforms and to wait for a sale. Certain not a bad game to pass the time, but's definitely got some issues. Not a bad way to start 2023!

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023
