This is from the bioshock collection but WOW this game stinks! It’s so disappointing because i had such fond feelings for it but this game is overwhelmed with narrative problems, incredibly dull and barebones gameplay, incredibly small and linear world to explore, and an overall experience that left me saddened by its waste of potential. I’ll say my favorite parts of the game was easily the intro sequence, freeing elizabeth from the tower and the final sequence. Seeing Columbia again after so long was an incredible sight, the art direction was easily strong on that forefront. Wish the game held up that consistency . The gameplay is very barebones as it for some reason; decides to abandon the well known gameplay system from the first 2 bioshocks and decides to go for a more traditional shooter which doesnt work at all in this setting. Columbia’s world is so beautiful but the game doesnt let us truly explore columbia to the same level of depth as we were with rapture. Especially when our rewards for exploration are just vigors, guns, and money which all the more makes for less incentive to truly explore. Infinite has some moments that are definitely fun like the introduction of the handyman but then those encounters wear out FAST. The enemy variety is also incredibly sparse, aside from your usual grunt and handyman, you only get three other enemy varieties which is lackluster compared to rapture’s colorful cast of mutants and freaks. I am not going to dive deep into the plot as that’s reserved for burial at sea but yeah, this game does not hold a candle to the previous 2 games that are way more worthy of your time

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2022
