The best way to describe this game is that its more rewarding playing sections in vacuums rather than as a story. Like the demo for example is probably one of my favorite things ever, its tight, its well directed and theres real consequences to it. However i just simply don’t like the writing once david cAAAAAAAge starts trying to tackle racism, motherhood, and systemic oppression, it comes across as someone who just heard about the civil rights movement and was so touched they wanted to make a game about it. Which is a shame because i truly feel the game shines better as a noir game with connor and hank being the best part of the game, connor especially being the standout character here which is a shame because i want to like marcus and i enjoy when he dug himself out of the wreckage but the moment is ruined when you see they turn him into essentially video game MLK which feels so distasteful at times. Sarah (i believe) is just boring, nothing special to her but her actress was cute. Again connor is the best part of this game and i suggest playing the demo instead to get a better experience. At the very least as well i have to say connor and markus’ actors were 10/10, i need to see them in movies

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2022
