After Sonic 06 nearly killed the franchise, SEGA and Sonic Team knew they couldn't mess up the next major game or the hedgehog would be dead.

They took the mock speed sections from certain Sonic stages from 06 and the boost formula from the Sonic Rush games to make a high speed adventure.

They added the Werehog because the game was too short. The Werehog is a hack n slash gameplay with puzzle elements. They slow the paste down and are very monotonous.

The boost formula is a very interesting idea but it wasn't very well executed. The levels require you to have full knowledge of the levels which is impossible on your first playthroughs.

Unleashed was the first game to use Sonic Team's Hedgehog Engine which showcases the power of the graphics. With that the game will lag when too many items appear.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2023
