You can definitely see the original game's legacy in some of the better open world games today. It's approach to more open ended direction for how you tackle each map is pretty good even today. There is a lot this game does right in terms of exploration and the regions are pretty neat looking.

I just wish this remake was a lot more polished. There's a lot of QOL improvements made to the original but many of it still introduces it's own jank to an already kind of janky experience. I think there was a lot of ground here to improvement movement, gunplay, and UI but it's just all so stiff. I think that jank is a lot of what will turn people off from this.

But if you can work around it, there's a very solid open world game here amongst a world that even with all it's ancient level design looks awe-inspiring.

Also that soundtrack is just fucking great.

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2023
