Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is a fun, hilarious, action-packed thrill ride from beginning to end with a great choice system, circa Tell Tale Games, and addictive combat that is more sophisticated than I thought it would be. It is the closest we may ever get to a proper Han Solo simulator, and I love it! This is a game made for the fans, both film and comic alike, with lots of great easter eggs and surprises along the way. Eidos Montreal successfully gave us the Guardians single player experience we wanted, and I really can't wait to see what they have in store for us next. If you played Marvel's Avengers, then you would be forgiven for being hesitant at the prospect of another Square Enix produced Marvel game. Don't worry, I felt the same way. But, after finishing the game and seeing everything it has in store, I was pleasantly surprised with the end result. The story is at the forefront of this game, and it is very enjoyable. As you make choices, you create different outcomes, and your team will react differently. I absolutely loved the character progress of both Peter Quill and his allies. You start off at each other’s throats and by the end you are a tight knit unit. Combat is a lot of fun, though the control scheme did take some getting used to. Using each Guardians abilities by giving them commands works really well and allows for some really sick combos. My only big negative is the number of bugs and glitches I came across that hindered the experience. Also, I really wanted more ship focused missions!! They give you a couple to wet your appetite but I really wanted more and more. Also, and maybe this is just me, but I found some of the unlockable costumes to be lack luster. Overall, this is the Guardians of the Galaxy experience I hoped for.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024
