No self destruct escape sequence

Inadvertently I do feel like returning to re4 again as while that game is actively repulsing and dreadful to play from start to finish, I didn't hate this one as much? I'll throw it down to the fact that the story here properly expands series lore and feels like a decent payoff for having played every preceding entry. There's also much more variety in level mechanics and locations. There's more weapons, and more depth to the combat which helps it feel much less tedious than it did in re4. I also decided to rock keyboard and mouse rather than controller for this which may have helped me enjoy it more than re4. It feels like a proper action game rather than straddling a line between controlling like a slow paced horror game but also wanting to be an action game that throws dozens of enemies at you. But it still feels tedious to play and only worsens as I lose my patience to mindlessly walk down corridors, pause in place to break boxes, and continue to shoot the same guys over and over again. But I will give credit that the enemy variety here is much greater than re4 which probably helped keep my interest to the end. This game follows the formula of the originally RE trilogy by taking the game before it and attempting to improve upon it, they generally did succeed but I'm still bored out of my mind when the core game is still just a mindless corridor shooter with obnoxiously spongy enemies. I will never understand why these games succeeded when they fail to replicate the other action shooters of their time. Except re6 and revelations 2 seem to fix all my gripes so hopefully I can start having fun again 🙃

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2023
