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A nostlagic game for me but looking at it now, it does have some flaws.

The gameplay is decent. The boomerang powers are fun but the bite mechanic slows down the game exponentially.

Environmental hazard hitboxes are especially finnicky causing a lot of hits that just don't make sense.

Glide mechanic is very underwhelming and sometimes difficult to execute properly.

Characters and designs are fantastic but sadly we never get to know much more than a few lines via thunderegg quests.

The last third of the game is very...different? We're introduced to villains we had no previous info on (Besides Sly) and their storylines abruptly end.

The boss battles aren't difficult but they lack logic and understanding. For instance, Bull is easy enough to figure out, but Crikey's battle involves new unexplained mechanics. Fluffy I have no indication of using fire rangs on the fire pistons. Cass is the worst because even when using the proper technique you have no indication that its working or what to do next.

Let's not mention the numerous mechanics introduced and never used again and the hidden opals in the worst places.

But this is just looking at the bad parts of the game.. Let me explain why Ty is worth a playthrough.

Our setting is the australian outback with many different and fun characters to help along your way. The designs are amazing and the locations are mostly consistent with the theming.

The rangs are a fun weapon giving you a two shot third person shooter style attack. Frills are fun to fight for this specific reason and the different effects each rang has just makes it even better.

Swimming mechanics are actually very fun in this game with very little anxiety inducing moments due to the breath meter being an afterthought.

While we only get one "driving" level the mechanics are solid and fun when crashing into things or just running around the track.

The ability to gain new boomerangs at your own pace with required rangs being given to you free is much less stressful than grinding to get that one object to fight the boss.

So while my nostalgia glasses are off, I think the game still holds up as one of those middling platformers that never really got big but still has a big place in my heart.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2022
