Okay I love IHNMAIMS. The story was great, the scenarios had a wide rage of challenge to them, and over all the different scenery was great. I do have a few criticisms of the game although...

The Save Game Glitch: When I was on my second scenario (I went Ellen then Gorrister) I kept one saved game because I didn't think I'd need another. The problem with that was I had to quit the game for a minute. When I went back to my saved game, Gorrister wasn't on screen. I could not advance through the story and I had to restart my game. The solution? Keep like a butt load of saved games on you I mean really save save save!!

Nimdok's Scenario: The story was fantastic but...it is EASY to advance through this scenario to the point of no return without specific items you will need. You have to do it a SPECIFIC way to advance in the story. The solution for this one is to read up on his story before hand or you definitely won't know what you're doing. I mean unless you are hardcore willing to go through the scenario a billion times I will reccomend you do this.

Endgame Strobe: During the endgame portion (no spoilers) at points the screen will start to flicker, possibly due to the graphics. This is easily remedied by going to another screen.

Otherwise the game is very playable, it's fun, and it's easy to get invested into the story. Just make sure to read up if you experience problems, there are others out there who have the solutions

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2022
