Quake's equivalent to the PS1 port of Doom. Not massively different to the PC version but has a different atmosphere due to the new soundtrack (composed by Aubrey Hodges who did the Doom PS1 ost!) and lighting. I don't think it quite has the same novelty of Doom PS1 as the original Quake was already pretty creepy and atmospheric and the ost doesn't feel too different here, aside from the more upbeat, slightly dorky tracks like the Main Menu and Level Complete. Other than those it's fairly similar atmospheric stuff but I think reuses instruments more often and feels a bit more samey. This does add that weird N64 Beetlejuice ass lighting though which I like :)

Playing Quake on a N64 with a little CRT is probably kind of cool so I'm not sure playing this through the remaster really conveys the port's charms best (especially considering the CRT filter is either way too harsh or turned off) but cool.

Will also add that this doesn't take you back to the hub between episodes and just flings you straight into the next one with all the weapons still in your inventory which I think kind of fucks with the pacing. (Edit: This turns out to be a glitch in the remaster, the actual version resets your weapons but still doesn't have a hub)

They should've put "Aubrey Hodges" on the machine gun ammo in this version

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2024


1 month ago

Weapons not being reset between episodes is an error with the Remaster add-on. The original N64 version does in fact reproduce the inventory behavior of the PC original, despite lacking the hub map.

1 month ago

@Nilichi Ah! That makes sense, thanks 😌