Weird playing this after Sonic Frontiers because I've come away with very similar feelings of this being the greatest video game burried under some possible development issues? The combat is great fun but gets repetitive due to lack of variety in stuff like enemy types and I like the story but I don't think it was told very well with the characters feeling somewhat robotic despite it trying to be a very human story. Other things just feel off like the levels being reused and a currency being shown at the bottom of the pause screen that functions no differently to the game's other crafting materials but is given this whole space to itself as if it was supposed to be more important.

at the end of the day though this is a game where you run into combat shouting "it's my destiny to kill them all" and then cast a bunch of spells so it's kind of sick and i might try the other Valkyrie Profile games because i like the story's themes and it has this very cold, rough but clean look(??) that i like.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2023
