I have had the luxury to sit back and watch this game grow from back in 2016 when it was in open beta and I first purchased it.

When I buy a game, I like to imagine that every £ that goes into it equates to 1 hour of play time in the game. I believe I purchased this game for around £10-15 so for my money's worth, I would have to play around 15 hours.

I got those 15 hours in the game in the beta alone. Since then, the game has been consistently updated by an incredible dev team who have a strong focus on where they want the game to be going, and I have loved every moment of it.
It's not a game I play very often, I normally just pick it up around once a year, mostly after I watch someone play it for the first time in ages (notably, this time, it was Jerma985), and I am super glad that I did again.

The gameplay is relaxing, but incredibly engaging. The sense of progression in the game just continues and continues to give me motivation to play it. If you really want to have a game to play in the background to relax, I cannot recommend this game enough.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2021
