The result of an ungodly crunched development cycle stemming from a game that had to be squashed down from an ambitious open-world Crash game, and ends up feeling like a much worse Crash 3 with a hell of a lot less both quality and polish.

Within Wrath Of Cortex is a solid base for a game, when it's allowing you to play a traditional Crash level. Instead, the crunched development cycle ultimately lead to a game that's hampered by all kinds of genre-shifting levels, ranging from fun Monkey Ball-esque stages, to the literal worst underwater stages I've played in any video game. Probably the best OST of the entire Crash series, and the select few great stages are all that keep me giving it a lower rating. No amount of nostalgia can save this one from being a tedious slog and a half.

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2022
