I was unsure on how to approach reviewing Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed, the long-awaited conclusion to my favourite release of 2022, and one of my all-time favourite games period. In spite of how easy it should be for me to sing its praises, I was left torn at how I should approach this review, between one of two different approaches.

One half of me wanted to take a much more in depth approach of my review of Star Wars Battlefront 2, and make an incredibly sappy retrospective on what this series means to me and the tough times it's gotten me through, and how bittersweet and exciting it is to see the Klaus Saga of this franchise come to an end, with the review part of the DLC coming secondarily.

Another part wanted to gush about how much I loved FR's cast, gameplay, story and world every bit as much as every other title in the series in full detail, spoilers be damned, as I've previously done with Dragon's Dogma earlier in the year.

In lieu of such a dilemma, I will instead take the easy way out, and copy-paste my review of the base Xenoblade Chronicles 3, written about an hour after beating the game and being utterly floored by it in every sense of the word.

We can't let Monolith Soft keep releasing masterpieces like this, it's unfair on every other Nintendo studio.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2023
