The third chapter turn into spin off, Resident evil code Veronica X it's everything good with the classic style resident evil up to eleven.
The gameplay is the same as the original trilogy of the PS1 era, survival horror with tank control and fixed camera to move around and eliminate zombie and B.O.W. while doing puzzle to progress the story and escape, it's the classic resident evil and survival horror scenario yes but I do love this kind of gameplay and here is done really well with some nice enemies position and puzzle never too hard to be frustrated.
The graphics is impressive especially if you think that this is the first game to use fully 3D background and with more power than a PS1 seeing that the original version was released on the Dreamcast.
The only thing that threw me off was the voice acting but is to be expected with classic resident evil.
Overall this is the pinnacle of the classic resident evil and the last main title until resident evil 4 that change the series forever.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
