This is going to be a really tough review to write just because of the amount to unpack from this game, both the excellent elements and the bad. The first thing I want to draw attention to, is the quality and refinement of the gameplay systems and camera as opposed to the prior games in the series. The stripped-down weapon/item management is also very refreshing, there’s no longer the awkwardness of having to equip a card to get through a door, or a menu where you heal Snake’s wounds mid battle. It’s just a much better experience in every way in that regard.

I also feel this is the best stealth gameplay in the series so far and the elements I mentioned before play a big part in that, especially in Chapters 1 and 2. I also love the OctoCamo, it’s one of my favourite items in any game since my 1st playthrough upon release and I still love it now.

Visually this was a stunning game back in the day and it still holds up well. It suffers a little bit at times from the same muddiness as MGS3, but due to the graphical quality, the enemies don’t blend into the backgrounds like they do in that game. I also want to draw attention to the variety of locations compared to the previous games.

However, there’s the small matter of the plot, the pacing and the Disney’s Star Wars level of pandering and fan service, which is frankly embarrassing at times. I also feel that the boss battles are sadly lacking in quality here (aside from the epic spectacle that is the Liquid fight).

To start with my complaints, I feel that the plot of this game is so reliant on cutscene storytelling that goes on too long mixed with fan service, which can be such a detriment to the experience. On the one hand, call backs and references can be positive, but MGS4 relies on these far too heavily at times to the point where my eyes were rolling, especially during chapter 3 with EVA.

My next major complaint isn’t only the derivative nature of the bosses, but also the presentation of these fights and the over sexualisation of the beauties after you defeat the beasts. The series has always had this perverted quality, which has been played for comedy and also seriously. However, in this case, it feels so over the top and comes off as a teenage boy fantasy. Anybody who has played the game will know exactly what I mean, and I don’t need to expand on this immaturity on character design and cutscene direction/editing any further in this review.

Another complaint I have is that after these boss battles, the horribly boring character of Drebin appears to tell you some back story of these characters and I just didn’t care. They weren’t well established as characters; they offered no challenge or originality, and I didn’t care when I killed them.

I know this review sounds extraordinarily negative and my score may not feel genuine, but I actually really love this game and that’s why I feel so passionately about the negative elements. I also feel that this game is probably better if you skip the cutscenes and get to the gameplay, because, aside from chapter 3 (where there might as well not be gameplay) it’s excellent stuff. I just wish there were more of it…

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2021
