"Ever get that feelin' of déja vu?"

Overwatch was a lightning in a bottle situation that has unfortunately had a lot of incredibly poor guideance since its release in 2016, but I'm not here to complain about any Activision nonsense or the inept balancing from early 2018 till late 2019. I'm here to talk about the game on the whole.

That game is the one I have sunk the most hours into in history.

Overwatch is a game that is easy to pick up and play but difficult to master, requiring more than just pure mechanical skill to play. You need to have wit, intelligence, reflex and teamwork. While the colourful cast of characters of Overwatch allow for varied playstyles and the ability to switch hero mid round makes for endless dynamic gameplay, some aspects of the game were simply left half baked, such as the Competitive Mode essentially being a Quick Play plus. That aside, the world and visuals of Overwatch are a complete joy to look at, with a Saturday morning cartoon vibe that just oozes personality that each hero in the game has in spades. All in all, Overwatch was a game that for better or worse shaped my appreciation for online shooters into what it is now. While it has now passed into the world of unplayability, its legacy lives on...for better or worse.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
