"Souls that are once lost cannot be reclaimed"

There are very few video games as meaningful to me as Shadow of the Colossus. In every sense of the word. Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. This game, and particularly the immensely well done PlayStation 4 Remake by Bluepoint Studios, is a feat of world building, atmosphere and awe. The scale of some of the bosses in this game are still unmatched by most games these days. The world is large, but intentionally lifeless to enhance the dramatic tension and worldbuilding the story is telling the player. The combat is tense, with the controls being perfectly balanced to give you just enough control to not be overwhelmed, but not too much to be overpowered. The music by Kow Ohtani is one of the greatest score to any piece of fiction ever written and worth the five stars by itself. A colossal achievement for the medium, and one of the greatest pieces of art ever produced.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2023
