I got into a fistfight with a friend over a pirated dvd of this game back when it came out (didn't have it legit because I didn't really understand the diference between buying it in the local video store and a legit store) and we beat the absolute shit out of each other at 14 years. I would give it a higher score but fucking Federico chipped me a tooth and had this fucked up fang for like 10 years until I removed it last year, which in turn cured my sinusitis that I didn't even know I had because the teeth had actually been punched inside by some milimiters and blocked a portion of my nose cavity. The fucker ended up being like 3-4 cms long and had to get local anesthesia to remove it and still have a scar inside my mouth for it. At least I got him in the face and he ended up needing stitches which later in his life made him get addicted to drugs because he had a terrible coping mechanism. I still see him from time to time in the local plaza trying to sell weed.

Anyways it's good I guess got it two years ago officially in steam and played it for a bit

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2021


3 years ago

why were you even friends with the guy to begin with? he sounds like he was a stupid kid and some bad company too

3 years ago

I'm going to waterboard you