I jump on my sweat-stained PC while I roll a cigarette and watch the game load. I'm inmediatly blasted into oblivion by the banger soundtrack and amazing artwork
Being a fucking soulless husk of a soulles dreg has never felt this good. It made my skin feel fresh, my lungs at full capacity and it made human meat looks kinda tasty.
I stop my car at a busy intersection, roll down the windows an I open fire into the streets. it feels great.
I find games like this genuinely amazing, letting you play the most boring shit possible in such a cool and interesting way with great aesthetics and this cool feeling of not giving a shit about depicting the world the son of Elon Musk will carry.
Heavily recommended along with everything the Body Horror Bundle brings.
I shall become the first (but hopefully not last) person to finish this with the kinect and then go on a rampage in my city.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2021
