Ecstasy of Gold

If this was the first one I would totally understand the clunkyness, but knowing that this came out after the critical darling that Until Dawn was, I can't help but wonder what was going on in the studio during the development, because the end result feels extremely amateurish from a narrative point. The game is honestly terrified of you not understanding what's painfully obvious, with characters and even the narrator of the game taking it's time to spell out for you every single second of the plot while making absolutely sure the "twists" are fully explained to you and your friends.

The one thing I can commend this game is the fact of how it absolutely feels like watching a B horror movie with friends, although I doubt they expected it to be a really bad B movie experience with friends shooting the shit. Even when understanding that the game wants for you to have fun while also playing with other people, it also has ZERO reactivity to anything you do. I played this alongside 4 other friends and by the end we were pretty sure nothing we actually did would change the plot in a meaningful way aside from maybe reducing the kill count. Every chapter is written in such a robotic way that you can clearly see what choices you made before made it ever so slightly different, with characters badly tacked on with zero dialogue or items you managed to bring but prove to be useless in the situation (or outright dropped by the character at the start or during a chase sequence).

Overall a pretty mediocre affair, saved by being unintenionally funny on a vc with 5 people and listening to some rapper singing about how he likes to get fucked in the ass.

Can't wait for Little Hope.

Reviewed on Jul 26, 2022
