I cant believe it, A Game inspired by Getting over it that is actually well made, challenging in a fun way, and requires real skill and practice to beat rather than mastering an incredibly broken and unpredictable physics system? actually so awesome

dont get me wrong, i like bennet foddy's work, but whenever youre playing getting over it, it feels like youre fighting the games controls rather than just controlling your cauldron dude, but this game makes you feel so much more in control and this improves every aspect of it

this game is just as punishing as getting over it, and you will likely rage and die inside, but instead of it feeling unfair cause the broken physics messed you up like in getting over it, every failure feels like YOUR failure, not the game's failure, if you fall, that was your fault, and since it was your fault, it makes you want to overcome your failure, get better, get over the hurdles

basically this game masters challenge and reward in a genre of rage game like this, i fully think this game is much better than getting over it so give it a try if you enjoyed that

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024


1 month ago

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