i remember people talking about gone home back when it was released, it basically birthed what we now know as the walking simulator genre, but i never knew anything about it until now and man... this is another game added to the list of ones that made me cry, its no wonder the walking sim genre stuck because its such an interesting and brilliant way to convey a story when done right, walking around someones house, slowly piecing togheter various stories just by reading documents and using context alone is such an amazing way of conveying said stories, its something that could only be achieved trough the medium of video games and its beautiful

not to mention such an endearing and emotional story told in this game, i wont spoil any of it but the max ill say is it really pulls at the hear strings and is brilliantly emotional, especially being lgbt myself and the story having alot of lgbt themes made it really connect personally with me

this game may be almost 10 years old but its 100% timeless and having finished it should never die.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2022
