A fun, creative game that grabs you by the collar once you can figure out the controls and using its 2D element to your advantage (hint: staying and shooting on a separate platform keeps enemies from getting to you lol).

Certain items that I didn't understand in RoR2 ended up working better in the 2D environment, not translating to 3D very well (I'm looking at you War Banner). The basic graphics don't bother me, but while I understand the reason for why the screen is so zoomed out from the main character in order to better see what surrounds you, it ended up backfiring and making it more difficult to fight/be prepared as the character you play as is so small. More practice may have made this less of a problem, but it's definitely still more a hold back than a plus, no matter how good you get at it.

Reviewed on Jun 06, 2022
