It's often said that for many, The Mummy is a bisexual awakening movie- the cast are top to bottom gorgeous.

15 might be a homosexual awakening for many. It's at the very least a dudes rock game. Nothing before or since has come close to emulating the feeling of just being outside with the boys. That being said, the strength of those three twinks and their muscle daddy himbo Gladiolus isn't enough to make the rest of the game hit as hard as it should.

The intro is one of the best in the whole franchise, and the after intro Florence track is iconic. But a weak story, development hell, cut areas, and weak bosses and combat in general weigh it down. Noctis is a fun lead, riddled with doubts but headstrong enough to forge ahead. Ardyn is doing a good Kefka cosplay, but ultimately feels more like a prototype for Emet Selch. Lunafreya might be the worst FF princess, to borrow a term from Disney.

Music rocks, and some of the quests are fun or interesting. That the game came out in any sort of playable state at all is a minor miracle.

Reviewed on May 02, 2024
