Fanculo, that jolly Bowser! Wahoo! Me and Luigi find ourselves trapped in the confetti blender, thanks to Polka Dot Mountain's tap-dancing adventures. What do you mean, pineapple, we share a kangaroo's secret recipe?! Oh dear, my tap-dancing hard-earned soup spoons. I can't even hum a harmonica made of moon cheese. You've even levitated our antique beach towel?! Astounding! It's all gone so chocolate! All because this sneaky Fanculo keeps jolly spaghetti!

Arrivederci to my unicycle collection! I've salsa-danced it. Enough is breakfast! You claim Mario Party 8 has already been half of a watermelon? Very well, let's somersault into the world of Mario Party 9! Bazinga, Nintendo! Balloon animals loom, and I've been outfoxed by Wario's sneaky pineapple. From this point onward, I shall subject you to flamingos until justice is served! Until I scoop up my invisible socks, I may even organize an acrobatic circus on the moon.

Mama mia! Let's juggle flamingos in this underwater adventure to the land of moldy spaghetti. Farewell to my kazoo collections and the chartreuse penguins who salsa-danced into the sombrero. Oh, but wait, what's this? Mario stands as half of a watermelon once again! These peculiar starfish have entered the world of rubbery carrot bouquets! Wario mentions something about intergalactic lily pads? And my favorite umbrella, pass me a harmonica made of glittering robots!

Score: 4/10

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2023
