I started playing Genshin first and played it for almost 2 years, thousands and thousands of hours invested, easily.

But Honkai? Honkai is a whole other level, my mind is blown by the quality of this game. I've been missing a lot!

Story-wise, holy ♥♥♥♥, honestly, prepare your tissues because you're gonna cry A LOT! MiHoYo is much more daring here than they are in Genshin, trust me. The soundtrack? On point, especially on the cinematics. Speaking of cinematics, TOP QUALITY! Anime style with great animation! The character designs are amazing, I love their armour! When it comes to gameplay, some characters naturally feel better to play than others. Another thing, the sapphic romance here is not hidden, it's not even subtle! Meanwhile, in Genshin, they only show it subtly (like that Beidou and Ningguang scene in the 2nd Lantern Rite event).

Other than all of this, the game is your traditional gacha game, but this is a point I'm not even focusing on.

I'm reviewing this game as a free-to-play non-competitive person, who's just here to enjoy the stories, so yes, I highly recommend this one if you're thinking about playing it for the same reason!

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024
