Whew.. this game has A LOT of problems.. Performance wise? Weapons that causes micro-stutters when shot, cutscenes being capped at 30fps causing stutters between cutscene-game transitions, even with a 2023 rig it performs just BAD. And don't even get me started on the streaming bullshit going on with this game. I mean, a cutscene 5 minutes long? Sure, why not? But having to stream a WHOLE 20 minutes live-action episode -- And by the way, if you're playing on gamepass that's a NOPE for you, streaming services won't connect and you'll have to watch the episode on youtube -- it's just crazy. Painfully crazy. I feel really sad because i love sam lake's games, i like every single Remedy Game out there (Yes, EVEN Death Rally) and i got hooked in, the story seems nice, really. But with all those bugs and performance issues and streaming live-action series on youtube... I don't think it's worth my time and i don't think it'll ever be. Sorry Sam, your team fucked this one up big time.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2024
