I swear to god Almas scream is the most annoying thing I've ever heard in my entire life.

This game did not age well at all in my opinion, It felt very slow paced, sluggish and the gameplay in my opinion felt like it was missing something. At times I felt as though damage was very inconsistent and enemies would either die in 1 or 2 bullets others would die in 10 or 12. The movement also felt very slow and I felt as though my character was dragging his feet the entire game. This games gameplay just needed some more umff instead of having me having going into the slow motion ability which got old really quickly. They added a bunch of melee moves that I did not utilize once the entire game because they were completely useless.

The drag doll physics were awesome and only in a very few instances you would see arms and body parts fly off enemies. If they would have added more of the body parts flying off constantly it would have been a lot more interesting. Grenades also felt useless and throwing them felt like I was throwing 40 pound medicine ball except it bounced everywhere when it hit something.

Idk maybe im being picky on a game that came out in 2005, but I have to say the sound track was pretty good and the story wasn't so bad. I just feel like the level design wasn't that good and they needed to add more story rather then dragging out long walks down hallways that weren't even scary they could have even added more puzzles that were intersting.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2023
