The disappointment of the year, as a long time Bethesda fan. Oblivion is my favorite game ever. I love both Skyrim and Fallout 4, and I was really, really, REALLY looking forward to Starfield.

First off, exploration, my favorite part of these games, is lost to a procedurally generated world of infinite planets that barely have any interest to themselves. I made an effort to keep playing beyond this and started doind the quests. Although a couple are decent (never memorable), most of them only consist on you following the floaty marker to your next objective and interacting with whatever or whoever, and exhausting dialogue options.

Secondary systems feel tertiary. Crafting is over complicated and useless, it basically requires you to stop playing the actual game so you can focus on gather the components, crafting other components, investigating, spendind skill points. Outposts are there as part of some AAA Game Checklist they felt like they needed to comform with. This is true for basically any part of the game that is not gun play.

After trying to engage with the main quest (usually something I would only do after I've completed any single side quest and explored every location), I've realized I don't really want to keep playing this anymore. Might come back to finish it, but for now, I'm really worried about next Bethesda games.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
