>muh asstetick

Slipstream is a racing game that aims to emulate classic arcade-style racing of the early 90s such as Daytona USA and Outrun. However, rather than emulating the physics or style, it aims to recreate the feeling of those earlier titles and emulates the racing from the Initial D by heavy emphasis on drifting. The game places a large emphasis on speed and momentum throughout the race and it shows by long tracks with wide one-way roads. Unfortunately, the driving never explores beyond the simple 30-45 degree turns that last 3 seconds and limits the variety of possible tracks due to lack of a track creator..

Amazing soundtrack that remains both consistent in quality and never grows badly over playing, the game allows for easy to control racing that enables the player to complete the game at their own pace by either solely enjoying the various environment of each of the races or going deep into the leaderboards by mastering the slipstream mechanic. The Slipstream feels clunky when paired with the physics of the car (especially with the Lynx), but is very satisfying when it works as inteded racing at high speeds extending between cars and closely avoiding crashing.

While the physics and controls leave much to be desired, the overall experience is too enjoyable to be forgotten nor ignored. Definitely a strong recommendation for people looking for a chill driving experience or muh vaporwave crowd. However, non-arcade style racing fans, arcade traditionalists, or people looking for a deep driving mechanics/expression won't find much enjoyment with Slipstream.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023


10 months ago

Bro. What ?

10 months ago

@THV Clipboard error. Fixed
I love this game. Accurate review.