I knew going into my personal marathon that I'd adore this game. And by howdy, do I stand by that. I think I might be incredibly nostalgia biased, but this game is a really solid Bond shooter and easily his best. After enduring Agent Under Fire, it's nice to play a game that's more focused with its on foot sections, right from the jump The Exchange gives you multiple ways of traversing the level and a far better utilization of gadgets than Agent Under Fire could've hoped for.

In the way of negatives, I think the second half of the game with back to back incredibly difficult vehicle levels is hugely frustrating. The second-to-last level can be a chore in its first half, but ultimately manageable when you figure things out. Then in the later half, you get ample time to use one of the best weapons in the game. Driving levels were slightly better in its predecessor, if due to gadgets being used at any time over the game deciding when to use them.

Due to not having a second controller, I can't really speak on multiplayer as a "really fun with friends" experience. Maybe I'll convince a few buddies to play it with me on Parsec. But my memories of Ravine with bots was loads of fun! NightFire lets you customize most of the AI (though the game original ones specifically) to your heart's content, and I think it's great how much that mode alone lets you do.

Overall, I can gush about this game for hours. Despite its short singleplayer and the second part of its campaign taking a slight nosedive towards the end, NightFire's a great package. Eurocom knocked it out of the park with this one after the rough patch that was Agent Under Fire. EA Redwood Shores would get to make another title after this, and I'm absolutely looking forward to revisiting Everything or Nothing!

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2024
