Despite a few gameplay issues from the first and a lack of side content aside optional bosses, DDS2 is definitely up there as an RPG favorite. Skies of Arcadia and Xenosaga 3 are also up there. As mentioned above, the optional bosses and lack of side content bring the game down. Berserk mode is woefully underutilized, which is puzzling since one of the last dungeon gimmicks revolves around human form.

If you enjoyed the first game, you'll love this one. If you can excuse the sudden difficulty spike due to the absence of a few party members and the final dungeon being a stretch if you wanna duke it out with the superbosses? 2 is a pretty worthy successor.

Atlus, please, remaster these. I'd love to see the story of these games in one convenient package, as they're one of the most intriguing takes on Hinduism I've seen in a game. That and it'd be nice to see some of the QOL features from 2 in 1, like a difficulty selection.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2023
